There are so many things we love about apartment living! The ease of house maintenance, no lawn work, cute cozy spaces, and fun community events. Plants are a great way to keep your apartment feeling alive, connected to the outdoors, and fresh. Research shows that indoor plants help improve your apartment’s air quality, improve mental health, increase productivity, reduce stress, boost your immune system, and much much more! To help you get started, here is a list of the top ten beneficial plants to have in your home.

1. Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe Vera is a must-have indoor plant! Not only do they filter formaldehyde from the air, but they are widely known as the “healing plant” because they can also be used for a large variety of medicinal purposes. One example is that they are great for sunburns! Being from Texas, we know the importance of having an aloe vera plant waiting for us at home when we’ve spent a little too much time in the sun. They are also one of the easiest plants to take care of. As long as you place it near a nice sized window, you only need to water them about once a month.

2. Snake Plant
Snake plants are great at filtering air. They remove toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene. Don't know what those are? Neither do we! Definitely don't want to be breathing that. Not only do these plants add a unique look to your apartment with their vertical leaves that are brimmed with yellow, but they are also very easy to care for and can easily survive long periods without water. Snake plants can thrive in both bright or low light areas.

3. Pothos
Pathos filter all the same toxins as Snake Plants and are perfect for starter plant parents. They are very easy to care for and their vines can grow to be up to 10 feet long, adding a really green jungle vibe to any room! Bonus, you can propagate these beauties, meaning you can cut a small piece of the plant off, place it in water, and it’ll begin to grow new roots. You can grow as many as you would like after buying just one plant!

4. Dracaena
The Dracaena plant is a low maintenance plant that is known for its ability to adapt to just about any light environment, but it should never be put in direct sunlight. When it comes to filtering air, the Dracaena Marginata Plant is the best out of this family as it removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

5. zz plant
The ZZ Plant is very tolerant of low light and drought. If you haven’t honed your green thumb yet, are looking to fill your apartment with plants, and don’t have much natural light, this is a great option for you. This plant also adds an extra hint of good feelings to your apartments as it is said by many that these plants represent prosperity and friendship. We recommend watering the ZZ once or twice a month.

6. Rubber tree
Rubber Tree leaves have a unique texture and are hardy, giving them the ability to tolerate some neglect. They rather you under-water them than over-water them. The Rubber Tree removes carbon dioxide from your home. It requires plenty of sunlight so it must be placed next to a window and it doesn’t like being surrounded by other plants, so make sure to keep this mind when looking for the perfect place to put it in your apartment.

7. philodendron green
The Philodendron Green is very similar to the Pathos, it grows vines up to ten feet long, is very easy to propagate, and is low-maintenance. This plant is beautiful with its heart-shaped leaves that filter formaldehyde from the air in your home.

8. spider plant
These plants can add color and fun to your apartment! They are easy to maintain and for little work, their many leaves filter formaldehyde and xylene extremely well in return. These plants need bright light but must avoid direct sunlight, so placing it in a room with lots of windows and misting it twice a week will make it thrive.

9. bird nest
Bird’s Nest Ferns are a beautiful bright green plant with rippled edges. These plants are a little pricier, but they are sure to be a conversation starter and will gain you some cool points! They love humidity and filter formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, so a bathroom with a nice window would be the perfect place for them.

10. Peace lily
Bird’s Nest Ferns are a beautiful bright green plant with rippled edges. These plants are a little pricier, but they are sure to be a conversation starter and will gain you some cool points! They love humidity and filter formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, so a bathroom with a nice window would be the perfect place for them.
It’s safe to say that if you take care of these apartment plants, they will take care of you. So how many plants should you have in your apartment in order to really experience all the benefits of being a plant parent? According to Bill Wolverton, the NASA scientist who conducted a study on how plants purify the air in your home suggests that you have two good-sized house plants for every 100 square feet.
If you are ready to find a cozy apartment for you and your future plant babies in Texas, contact us!